
在今天早些時候發生的一宗公路暴力事件中,一名男子因攻擊一名駕駛者而被捕。,ROADRAGEdefinition:1.angerorviolencebetweendrivers,oftencausedbydifficultdrivingconditions:2.angeror….Learnmore.,Roadrageisaggressiveorangrybehaviorexhibitedbymotorists.Thesebehaviorsincluderudeandverbalinsults,yelling,physicalthreatsordangerous ...,2022年2月7日—Roadrage,simplyput,isasuddenburstofangerthatmotoristsexperie...

ROAD RAGE in Traditional Chinese


ROAD RAGE | English meaning

ROAD RAGE definition: 1. anger or violence between drivers, often caused by difficult driving conditions: 2. anger or…. Learn more.

Road rage

Road rage is aggressive or angry behavior exhibited by motorists. These behaviors include rude and verbal insults, yelling, physical threats or dangerous ...

What is road rage? 什麼是「路怒症」?

2022年2月7日 — Road rage, simply put, is a sudden burst of anger that motorists experience when they feel angered by something another driver, cyclist or ...

ROAD RAGE definition and meaning

6 天前 — Road rage is an angry or violent reaction by a driver towards another road user. He was a victim of road rage.

ROAD RAGE INCIDENT definition and meaning

6 天前 — Road rage is anger or violent behaviour caused by someone else's bad driving or the stress of being in heavy traffic.

Road rage Definition & Meaning

7 天前 — The meaning of ROAD RAGE is a motorist's uncontrolled anger that is usually provoked by another motorist's irritating act and is expressed ...